Email Open Rate Using Python and Django
Most of the marketing tools now a day allows you to monitor your email open rate kinda like WhatsApp’s blue tick in this article we will learn how to do the same using python
Django — it's a web development framework we will be using for our API
Core Logic in layman’s terms
As we already know we can add images to our emails these images can be added using local files or a URL. If we add an image using a URL when the email is opened by the email client (Gmail, etc.…) it makes a GET request to the image URL
We can capture this using our code and using a unique URL for every email sent we can see which mail was opened
Let’s start coding
you can clone the repo from my GitHub to follow along
install all the dependencies ( I recommend doing this in a virtual environment )
pip install -r requirements.txt
Code-Explanation (Django)
it contains our database schema. you can learn more about models here
our Django app contains a table named ImageHash with i_hash, status as columns
views contain the main logic of loading the image and updating the status
here each URL is mapped to its specific view
run the Django server
cd api/
python runserver
as we are running this on a local machine the generated URL will contain localhost which won't be accessible by Gmail or any other email client
so to get the public URL we can either host the API or (for testing purpose) we can just tunnel our local port
we will use Ngrok to tunnel our port 8000
./ngrok http 8000 is the public URL for local port 8000
we have an API wrapper as well to make our API interaction much easier
let's use our API.
create a MailStatus object with our Ngrok URL
from api_wrapper import MailStatus
# create email status object
ms = MailStatus(url="")
get the unique hash and make a URL this URL can be sent over email in an image tag
# get unique hash
i_hash = ms.getHash()
# combine that hash and make a url
img = ms.getImgURL(i_hash=i_hash)
# this 'll print false if hash is not used
send an email with this image tag
check your inbox and open the email
check the email status in your script and it should print True
congrats we have successfully tested our open rate logic using Django and python
If you have any query feel free to comment or connect